New Feature Spotlight: Performance Breakouts


New ways to view performance

Performance Breakouts is a new enhancement that provides users with new, detailed ways to dissect the performance of their podcast or streaming ads.

See how campaigns perform across various dimensions:

  • Geo: Country, state, city, DMA, and region

  • Device Type: iPhone, Android, etc

  • App: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Overcast, etc

  • Category: News, Comedy, Education, etc

  • Day-of-Week

  • Frequency

Performance Breakouts are available to all attribution clients. You can find them in the “Campaigns” Tab under the “Overview” section of your dashboard.

Insights in Action

By Category

Contrary to what one might assume, athleisure brands tend to perform better with comedy and education podcasts rather than sports-related ones.

One hypothesis is that these genres typically have a higher female listenership. Since women are often the primary decision-makers in households buying on podcasts with larger female listenership could improve performance.

By Frequency

For some Ecomm platforms and No-Code Apps, especially ones that are well known see the highest performance at a frequency of one. Whereas less platforms might need a higher frequency before getting users to convert.

By Day of Week

Delivery apps often experience peak performance on Mondays, with the beginning of the week typically bringing in stronger results.

This trend might be attributed to the post-weekend rush, where people focus on work catchup and preparing for the week rather than spending time cooking or going out.

By Geo

For a health and wellness brand, 11% of their impressions are in Ashburn, but Redmond converts at +2x the rate. For future buys, the advertiser might want to consider testing out more buys in Redmond and see if they continue to convert at higher rates.

Available for Buyers and Sellers


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New Feature Spotlight: Advanced Demographic Filtering