Publisher Benchmarks
Proving your value to advertisers can be a major challenge for publishers. Downloads and impressions don’t cut it anymore, advertisers want results. Podscribe’s Publisher Benchmarks tool makes it easy to show why your shows are worth the investment, with clear data such as benchmarks across shows, industries, genres and advertisers.
More Than Downloads
Advertisers want to see how campaigns perform, how you compare to competitors, and why they should renew.
With Publisher Benchmarks you can:
Highlight top-performing campaigns: Build trust and drive renewals.
Craft data-driven recommendations: Use performance insights to design tailored media plans that maximize results.
Win new advertisers with confidence: Leverage industry benchmarks to prove your network’s unique value and
Results Driven by Data
Let’s say you manage a podcast in the business and finance genre. Podscribe shows that financial services campaigns on your show perform 20% better than the industry average. With this data, you can confidently say:
“Campaigns on this show delivered a $12 ROAS, outperforming industry benchmarks by 40%”
Our team is here to help – just reach out to
About Us
Podscribe provides advanced Pixel-Based Attribution & Incrementality Testing for Podcasts Ads, Streaming, and More. Our platform provides accurate conversion data across podcasting, streaming, and other channels, backed by household-level data quality verification. We focus on delivering reliable attribution for hard-to-measure campaigns that helps you prove ROI and make confident decisions about your media investments.