Does ad length affect performance of non-host read ads?

Understanding the variables that contribute to an ad's success is crucial. When it comes to podcast ads, there's a big question everyone's asking: does the length of an ad really matter? What is the impact it has on whether an ad will perform or not?

We’ve been getting this question a lot coming out of our Q4 PPB report specifically how ad length affects performance between host-read and non-host-read ads.

Based on our latest insights, the answer isn't as straightforward as you might think. Let's dive in and make sense of it all.

Ad Length: What's the Deal?

You might think longer ads mean better results, right? Well, it depends on who's talking. Traditionally, ad length has been considered a key factor in ad success. In Podscribe’s Q4 PPB report, we found a correlation of 0.80 between ad length and performance when looking at all read types.

However, in our recent analysis comparing host-read ads to non-host-read ads that narrative changes.

When the Host Talks, Length Matters: A Clear Correlation

For host-read ads, the data confirms what you might expect: longer ad reads correlate strongly with increased site visits. The correlation coefficient for host-read ads stands impressively at 0.837, indicating that, as ad length increases, so does the likelihood of driving listeners to the advertiser's site.

This suggests that listeners are more engaged with longer narratives when they are delivered by a trusted host's voice, which makes sense. Longer ads often include the host's own stories or endorsements about the product, making the ad more relatable and convincing.

So, if the ad is coming from the host, making it a bit longer or letting the host riff off the script and do what they do best can actually help get more listeners interested.

What about Non-Host-Read Ads? The Need to go Beyond Length

Now, when we look at ads not read by the host, like pre-produced or producer-read ads, the story changes.

TLDR; The length of these ads? Not so important.

In fact, the correlation between ad length and site visitors actually drops significantly, netting out at a correlation coefficient of only 0.545. (eg the longer or shorter a non-host ad read it doesn’t really have any effect on the likelihood it will drive listeners to site).

This indicates that factors other than length are at play when it comes to the success of these ads. As it turns out, things like what the ad says, who it's reaching, and how it fits into the podcast matter a lot more than the length of the ad.

Furthermore, non-host-read ads are 53.62% less likely to be influenced by length when it comes to driving site visits, highlighting the diminished role of duration in their success.

The Real Drivers of Success for Non-Host-Read Ads

Since ad length isn't a big deal for non-host-read ads, a few other key things make a difference. Our findings suggest that the efficacy of non-host-read ads hinges on aspects beyond their length like creative, targeting, offer, and contextual relevance.

Creative content, precision targeting, strategic placement, the allure of the offer, and the ad's contextual fit are critical. These elements collectively influence a listener's decision to engage with the ad and visit the advertiser's site playing a much larger role than the ad length.

Focus on Creativity and Context

For ads that aren't read by the host, success lies in the content and how well it matches the podcast.

For non-host-read ads, instead of fixating on ad length, advertisers should prioritize crafting compelling narratives, precisely targeting their audience, and ensuring the ad's message resonates with the context in which it is placed.

Tips for Great Non-Host Ads

  1. Make It Interesting: Your ad should be something listeners want to hear. Keep it engaging and relevant.

  2. Know Your Audience: Tailor your ad to fit the listeners and the podcast. It should feel like it belongs.

  3. Sharpen Targeting: Use listener demographics and podcast themes to tailor ads more precisely, ensuring relevance.

  4. Sweeten the Deal: Give listeners a reason to act. A good offer goes a long way.

  5. Make It Fit In: Your ad shouldn't stick out like a sore thumb. It should flow with the podcast's tone, style, and vibe.

These factors, rather than the mere length of the ad, are paramount in capturing and retaining listener attention and in turn getting them to convert.


The investigation into the impact of ad length on podcast advertising performance reveals a pivotal shift in strategy for non-host-read ads. When it comes down to it, for non-host-read ads, it's not about how long the ad is.

What truly matters is crafting ads that are engaging, seamlessly fit into the podcast's context, and provide value to the listener. By prioritizing creativity, precision targeting, enticing offers, and a harmonious fit with podcast content, you can create ads that not only capture listeners' attention but also inspire action.

As we navigate the evolving podcast advertising landscape, shifting our focus from ad length to these key elements will be crucial in connecting with audiences and achieving meaningful results.

*Correlation Coefficient: The correlation coefficient quantifies the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to 1. A value of -1 indicates a perfect negative linear correlation, 0 represents no correlation, and +1 signifies a perfect positive linear correlation.


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